Wednesday 23 April 2014

Fort Lauderdale and the flu

John on our coach in Fort Lauderdale
Well, it had to happen sooner or later.  Since we left Fort Lauderdale on April 16, both of us have been very unwell.  By Good Friday we were both down and out with chest infections, so we’ve been staying away from our fellow passengers as much as possible and basically doing nothing except medicating, sleeping, reading and eating – in that order.  Much better today for the first time this week, but a sudden coughing fit can still leave us feeling debilitated for quite some time.


On the canals
Last Wednesday we visited Fort Lauderdale, ending the second leg of our half-world voyage.  The highlight of our visit was meeting Judi Moxon Zakka, a member of the Moxon Society and Facebook friend.  We arranged to meet us at the Galleria Mall, a shopping centre to which the ship was running shuttle services for passengers.  This worked out well for us since our booked tour stopped there on our way back to the ship, and I was able to have my hair cut prior to meeting Judi for lunch.

John and Judi - both Moxons
Lunch was a delight, with Judi filling us in on her (to us) exotic life.  Although born in the UK, she’d spent her childhood in Jamaica, then in the UK and New York prior to living in Florida.  Although she too is a Moxon (by birth) there appears to be no relationship between her family tree and John’s ancestry.  However, she can claim one Charles Moxon, royal decorator amongst hers!

Before meeting Judi, we had a three hour
On the New River
city tour which included a one hour boat trip, the highlight of the tour really.  I wasn’t much impressed by the city; it reminded me of Queensland’s Gold Coast, full of houses built on canals – for those who could afford it – and boutiques.  We rushed passed the beach strip in the bus without stopping and were then given an hour to wander along some strip shopping, supposedly to encourage us to spend money.  We did have a very enjoyable coffee and muffin break with fellow passengers Jenny and Fred, and it was impossible for the waitress to understand what a “skinny (or skim) flat white” was.  I received a cup of hot milk.  I explained I wanted coffee, so the milk was returned with a dollop of coffee.  Sigh.  I should have asked for a cappuccino, obviously.

Since then, we’ve spent seven days at sea.  It’s been wonderfully smooth – very little swell, and it’s only now that the weather is becoming a bit colder.  We are being influenced by a cyclone in Greenland apparently.

Hopefully we will both be well enough for Madeira, a Portuguese island off the African mainland.  We spend the day there tomorrow (Thursday) and I’m really looking forward to a taste of Europe.  Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Where has the time gone too! What a holiday you are having. I can't believe it is 7 weeks since you left. Keep writing when you have time. I'm enjoying hearing all your news. I think you will notice the coolness in UK compared to where you have travelled. So much for having flu shots! It's getting cooler here in Sydney now. Travel safely.
    Marg G
